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Our Firm

We are a boutique law firm based in Brisbane that helps businesses resolve their disputes and meet their compliance obligations. We also help business resolve financial, insolvency and government disputes and avoid those disputes and to put in place procedures to avoid those disputes in the first place.

Our firm is built on two simple goals:

  • to better serve businesses providing them with the legal services they want regardless of the size of their business; and

  • to better serve financial advisors and insolvency professionals, providing them with the legal services they want, regardless of the size of their firm.

We achieve these goals by:

  • being clear and concise, explaining complex legal issues in ways that can be easily understood;

  • providing you with cost certainty, offering fixed fees where we can, estimating our fees reasonably and accurately and only seeking your go-ahead to revise those estimates when issues are beyond our control; and

  • being ethical, treating our solicitor obligations and ethical obligation as the cornerstone of all we do.

About Julian

Julian is the director and principal of Walsh & Walsh Lawyers. He has over 20 years of experience resolving disputes, conducting litigation and advising on compliance issues. 

He has practised in international, national and boutique law firms in Brisbane and Sydney and overseas. He has also worked in-house with the national companies and securities regulator and at a group of eight university.

Throughout his career, he has often seen that some businesses don't receive the level of legal service that they deserve. He has started Walsh & Walsh Lawyers to provide businesses with the legal services they want, treating those businesses and their owners the same as all other corporate clients he has worked with.

Julian also has extensive experience working with financial advisors and insolvency professionals. He has started Walsh  & Walsh Lawyers to also provide those professionals with the service they want, regardless of the size of their appointment.

Why is the firm called Walsh & Walsh Lawyers?

Yes, Julian, is currently the only member of the Walsh family at Walsh & Walsh Lawyers.

Julian's grandfather John Harold Walsh and his great-grandfather John Ambrose Walsh however practiced as solicitors in Brisbane as JA Walsh & Walsh. John Ambrose Walsh also practised in Brisbane in the partnership JF Fitzgerald & Walsh a firm established in 1882.

Julian is proud of his grandfather's and great-grandfather's achievements and named the firm Walsh & Walsh Lawyers in their honour and in the hope that he can set the same high legal standard they did.


Proceedings Julian's grandfather and great-grandfather were involved in included:

Little v Commonwealth [1947] HCA 24​

Duncan v Queensland [1916] HCA 67

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