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Financial Services Disputes

Financial advisors and their clients are running with increased levels of risk when it comes to superannuation, insurance and client finances generally. They need to grapple with complex financial services laws just to identify their rights and obligations. Given the complexity of the law and the risk to the parties, financial services disputes can often be drawn out and costly.

We help both advisers and clients resolve financial services disputes promptly and cost-effectively, providing representation in the Australian Financial Complaints Authority and also seeking to resolve matters through conferences and mediation. We cut through the complexity of financial services law so that both advisors and clients can make informed commercial decisions.

Consumer Credit Disputes

Consumers borrowing money are often finding themselves under increased pressure when dealing with their lenders. Interest rate rises, bank enforcement actions and onerous lending terms all put pressure on the average consumer. Australian law provides clear protections to consumers when dealing with banks.


Consumers suffering hardship or straining under harsh contractual terms, often have rights that they can seek to enforce against the banks. Many consumers are however not aware of these rights or don’t seek to exercise them when negotiating with the bank.


We help protect consumers, representing them in the Australian Financial Complaints Authority and in settlement conferences and mediations with the banks. We seek to obtain fair and just outcomes for our clients while avoiding the costs of protracted court litigation.

 We can help with:
  • AFCA statement of advice complaints
  • AFCA superannuation   complaints
  • AFCA life insurance complaints
  • AFCA financial advisor responses
  • AFSL and AR disputes
  • ASIC Banning Hearings
  • ASIC investigations
  • Consumer Hardship Applications
  • AFCA consumer credit complaints
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