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We help business owners

At Walsh & Walsh Lawyers we take the time to understand our clients' business and the legal services they need. We have the expertise in our niche areas of the law to help protect our clients' bottom line and make their businesses grow.

Business owners can be put off from using lawyers to resolve their disputes and from commencing and fully defending litigation, concerned about the costs and the risk to their business. At Walsh & Walsh Lawyers, we help businesses by addressing those concerns. We cost-effectively conduct litigation, by seeking to resolve disputes where possible and by seeking a prompt court decision on the real issues in dispute when resolution is not possible.

Business owners often find financial services and insolvency laws too complex. At Walsh & Walsh, we cut through that complexity, advising on those laws in a way that is concise and to the point. Our advice empowers business owners, setting out all options available to them when money is tight, so they can make the right decisions in respect of their business. 

Governments decisions are also increasingly impacting business owners, licensing and approval are crucial to being able to trade and to make sure that businesses are profitable. We help business owners seeking to review government decisions, whether it is a licensing decision that has gone against them or an employee approval that is rejected. We help businesses to seek an internal review of the decision and if that is unsuccessful, then have it externally reviewed by a state or federal ombudsman or an administrative tribunal.

We help financial advisors

The laws that apply to financial advisors are complex and ever-growing. This places a high regulatory burden on small independent financial advisors who often face the same legal and compliance obligations as much larger organisations. Add to this proposed law reform and it gets increasingly difficult for advisors to be across the law as it currently stands.

Statements of advice need a lot higher level of detail than in years gone past and the best interest safe harbour is often hard to grapple with. Walsh & Walsh Lawyers can help address that burden by helping financial advisors to comply with their legal obligations and put in place procedures to reduce risk. 

We also help financial advisors resolve their disputes whether it is an AFCA complaint or part of a client utilising their IDR, we can advise and represent financial advisors to help them to achieve the right outcomes.

We also held representatives who are in dispute with their licensee, advising them on their statutory and contractual duties and helping them achieve the right negotiation outcomes.


We help insolvency practitioners

Insolvency practitioners often face challenges when appointed in respect of smaller companies. The compliance obligations are frequently just as onerous for a smaller appointment, even though there are no funds to meet compliance costs, let alone pay creditors.

At Walsh &Walsh Lawyers we take the time to understand the challenges practitioners are facing and the legal services you need to achieve your statutory and business objectives. 

Corporate insolvency laws are becoming increasingly more complex. In the last few years, there have been unprecedented changes in respect of insolvency laws. All of these changes have resulted in more legislation that practitioners need to comply with, and the cost of that compliance is met internally by the insolvency firm. At Walsh & Walsh Lawyers we help practitioners meet those compliance obligations, so they can put in place the workflows, checklists and other procedures they need to stay compliant. We do this cost-effectively, so the engaging of legal services support them rather than being an expenditure drain on the business they are appointed to.

Practitioners also face difficulties in recovering payments that creditors are entitled to. The cost of pursuing voidable transactions ​and making other recoveries is often greater than the amount being sought. At Walsh & Walsh Lawyers we run those matters cost-effectively, seeking to resolve disputes where possible. Where resolution is not possible, we reduce costs by removing unnecessary steps in the proceeding, cutting back on unnecessary correspondence and focusing on the real issues that the court needs to determine.

Practitioners are also put off from seeking court directions in respect of complex insolvency issues for the same reason, running with internal risk due to concerns about court costs, when a court application could greatly reduce that risk. We run directions applications in a way that reduces unnecessary court documents and exhibits, focusing on the real issues that the practitioner needs direction from the court in respect of.

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